The First Smalltalk Conference In Argentina

18 December, 2007

Argentina Smalltalk 2007

From Hernan Wilkinson:


I just wanted to let you know that the Smalltalks 2007 presentations are available at
Most of them are in English although not all.
You can look some pictures at and

I wanted to give a public “Thanks” to ESUG for their support (DVD, book, ideas, etc), Viewpoints, Dan Ingalls, James Robertson, John Sarkela and Bruce Badger for the videos. Stef and Noury sent me something to read but finally I did not have the time to do it (sorry). Also, to all the sponsors that helped us with the conference.

Below are some comments we got in the Argentine Smalltalk lists (first in Spanish and then in English, translated by Andres Valloud).
It is very hard for me to find the right words to express how happy we are with the outcome of the conference, not only for the amount of people that came but also for their kindness and technical level of the presentations. Thanks to all.



Queria contarles que estuve en el “Primer Congreso de Smalltalk”
y aprovechar felicitar a la excelente organización, lo interesante de las
los proyectos mostrados ,todo en verdad todo excelente!!!.

Gracias por todo.

Marcelo Diaz Cortez”


I wanted to tell you that I was at the “First Smalltalk Conference”, and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to congratulate the excellent organization, how interesting the presentations and projects shown were, everything truly everything was excellent!!!

Thank you for everything.

Marcelo Diaz Cortez”

“Muy bueno!

Yo también quiero aprovechar para felicitar a los organizadores por lo bueno
que estuvo todo.
Espero ansiosamente la noticia de que se comienza a organizar le de 2008.

GallegO ”

“Very good!

I also want to take advantage of the opportunity to congratulate the organizers because of how good everything was. I anxiously wait for the news that the 2008 connference is beginning to be organized.

GallegO [Sebastian Calvo]”

“Por motivos laborales no pude disfrutar todas la conferencias, pero las que
asisti ayer estuvieron interesantes, lamento perderme hoy la de GLASS…
espero que el contenido del hand out se publique 🙂 ”

“I could not enjoy all the presentations due to work, but the ones I saw yesterday were interesting. I am sad I am missing the one about GLASS today… I hope the hand out material is published 🙂 [Ezequiel S Mc Govern]”

“Hola a todos,

Acabo de regresar del “1er. Congreso Argentino de Smalltalk” y me
adhiero completamente a los conceptos de Marcelo.
La organización del evento y el nivel de las exposiciones fue excelente
sin duda, pero lo que quisiera destacar por sobre todas las cosas fue el
ambiente de camaradería, la buena onda y la excelente predisposición de
los organizadores para solucionar cualquier tipo de inconvenientes.

Mis felicitaciones a los organizadores, a los que expusieron y a todos
los “nuevos” y “viejos” amigos con los que tuve el placer de compartir
muy gratos momentos.

Gracias a todos,

Francisco ”

“Hello everyone,

I just came back from the “First Smalltalk Conference of Argentina” and I totally agree with what Marcelo said. The event organization and the level of the presentations was without doubt excellent, but what I’d like to emphasize above everything else is the friendly environment, the positive attitude and the excellent manner in which the organizers made themselves available to solve any kind of problems.

My congratulations to the organizers, to those that gave presentations, and to all the “new” and “old” friends with whom I had the pleasure of sharing very nice moments.

Thanks to all,

Francisco [A. Lizarralde]”

“Hola, que tal
Me sumo a todo lo dicho… estuve los dos días completos y lo disfruté
muchisimo. Lo único que lamento es no haber podido asistir al workshop de
glass, pero si faltaba otro día al laburo se me iba a complicar 🙂
Felicitaciones a todos los organizadores y participantes, gracias al evento
estamos todos un poco más cerca hoy.

Ojalá se repita,
Esteban ”

“Hello, how’s everything…

I agree with everything that has been said… I was there the whole two days and I enjoyed it a lot. The only thing I regret is to have been unable to go to the GLASS workshop, but it would have been complicated to miss another day at work. Congratulations to all the organizers and attendants, thanks to the event today we are all a bit closer to each other.

I hope this happens again,
Esteban [Lorenzano]”

“Me sumo a las felicitaciones.
El encuentro tuvo muy buen nivel y estuvo muy bien organizado.
Han demostrado que se puede hacer un congreso en serio, sin que por ello
haya careteadas.
Gracias a todos los organizadores.

Norberto Manzanos ”

“I join the congratulations.

The event had a very good level and was very well organized. You have shown that it is possible to do a serious conference, without seriousness implying being fake. [difficult to translate intent directly]

Thanks to all the organizers.

Norberto Manzanos”

“Puede que esto ya se vaya convirtiendo en offtopic, pero también quiero
felicitar a la organización y a la calidad de lo (lamentablemente poco) que
pude presenciar del congreso. Espero que no se corte aquí, pueden contar con
la UAI para organizarlo en el futuro, o para organizar alguna charla en
particular. Norberto puede dar fe de que el auditorio está bastante bien!

Un abrazo para todos

Gonzalo Zabala ”

“Maybe this will begin to become off topic, but I also want to congratulate the organization and the quality of what I could see of the conference (regrettably not a lot). I hope this will not end here, you can count on UAI [another university with which Gonzalo is associated] to organize it in the future, or to organize a talk in particular. Norberto can attest that the auditorium is quite good!

Hugs to all [culturally ok, equivalent of “cheers to all”]

Gonzalo Zabala”

“Bueno, no se si offtopic o no, pero para mi también estuvo muy bueno,
lamentablemente solo pude asistir el lunes, esperemos que se mantenga
como actividad en todos los diciembres futuros


Juan José Evangelista ”

“Well, I do not know if it’s off topic or not, but I also think that it was very good, unfortunately I could only attend on Monday, let’s hope that this will continue to be an activity of all Decembers in the future.

Hugs [same as above]

Juan Jose Evangelista”

” Hola Andrés,
No nos conocemos directamente, aunque te he leído en varios foros. Desde
SUGAR, pasando por Squeak, etc.
Simplemente quería escribirte para felicitarte por el congreso.
Para mí fue sorprendente (básicamente por la convocatoria, inesperada para
mí) además de lindo haber podido estar ahí.
Lamento no haber podido colaborar o participar más activamente.
Pero bueno, eso, felicitaciones y gracias por el esfuerzo.

Dan ”

“Hello Andres,

We do not know each other in person, although I’ve read you in various mailing lists (SUGAR, Squeak, etc).

I wanted to write to you simply to congratulate you for the conference.

It was surprising (mostly because of the amount of attendees, unexpected for me) and very nice to attend for me.

I regret having been unable to collaborate or participate more actively. But well, just that, congratulations and thank you for the effort.

Dan [Rozenfarb]”

” Gente, hoy por la mañana estuve en Smalltalks 2007, queria comentarles
algunas opiniones que me quedaron luego de mi asistencia…

Primero agradecer a todos los que la organizaron porque todos creo que
fuimos muy bien atendidos (y seguramente seguira asi durante estos dias),
una registracion de lujo con regalitos y todo!

En la introduccion presentada por Hernan Wilkinson estuvo muy original los
videos, y luego en la charla inaugural de Máximo Prieto me gusto mucho su
enfasis en decir lo que ya hemos hablado muchas veces creo en la lista: No
hemos hecho nada en todo este tiempo, no se ha realmente avanzado desde el
primer smalltalk. Y aunque no puedo estar mas de acuerdo, realmente siento
que no puedo gritarlo a los 4 vientos porque no soy quien para hacerlo 🙂
Me gustaria agregar que me hubiese gustado que en la introduccion, ya sea en
la presentacion o en la charla de Maximo, y pensando en que se llamaba 1ra
Conferencia Smalltalk Argentina, no se hablo de la historia de Smalltalk en
nuestro pais! Creo que aunque seguramente es mas corta que la historia de
Smalltalk en si, ameritaba un parrafo minimamente.

Luego, estuve en la charla de Guiye Sapaya sobre un framework muy copado
llamado Zafiro, que les permitio montar toda su linea de aplicaciones sobre
una plataforma comun y como eso le permite usar smalltalkers para hacer lo
que saben hacer mejor 🙂 (me encanto esa frase, lo admito).
Yo, como No Smalltalker activo (pero si de corazon jejeje), tratare de
robarle algunas opiniones y consejos de cómo encarar un rediseño de una
aplicación como la que tuvieron que encarar en Infoil.

La seccion de la empresa Mercap estuvo tambien muy interesante, sobre todo
la parte de Tests, pensando en el tamaño de la aplicación que manejan fue
realmente muy util conocer como resolvieron las diferentes problematicas que
se les fueron presentando. Yo ya conocia la utilidad y uso de los Unit
Tests, pero lo que realmente me intereso fue el planteo a nivel de empresa
que ellos llevaron a cabo… Seguramente me vendria barbaro que gente de la
empresa donde trabajo y toma desiciones puedan ver un poco mas que el corto

Luego me tuve que ir por razones laborales… Pero bueno, mis felicitaciones
a todos…

Por ultimo no puedo dejar de expresar mi desazon ( no se si llamarlo asi….
Como que faltaba algo…) y aunque ya lo sabia de antemano realmente en el
lugar realmente lo senti… Y eso fue no ver la presencia de Smalltalking en
una conferencia como Smalltalks! Mas alla de las diferencias que puedan
existir entre personas, yo, desde mi MUYYY humilde lugar, no puedo (todavia)
entender como pasan estas cosas todavia, quizas las entienda cuando sea mas
viejo, si es asi, disculpen este mail (o esta parte del mail )

Leo ”


This morning [Monday] I was at Smalltalks 2007, I wanted to tell you about some opinions I was left with after attending.

First I want to thank all that organized it because I think all of us were very well taken care of (and I am sure it will continue to be like this during these days), a luxury registration with presents and everything!

The introduction by Hernan Wilkinson had very original videos, and then in the keynote by Maximo Prieto I really liked the emphasis on what we have discussed in the list [Smalltalking] so many times: we have not done anything in all this time, we have not really advanced since the first Smalltalk. And even though I could not agree more, I really feel that I cannot say that publicly because I am not qualified to do so :). I would like to add that I would have liked for the introduction, either in the conference opening or in Maximo’s keynote and considering the fact that it was the First Smalltalk Conference of Argentina, to speak about the history of Smalltalk in Argentina! I believe that, although surely it is shorter that Smalltalk’s history, it was worth a paragraph at least.

Then, I was in the presentation by Guillermo Sapaya about a very cool framework called Zafiro [Sapphire], that allowed them to mount all their applications over a common platform, and how that allows them to use Smalltalkers to do what they know to do best 🙂 (I really enjoyed that phrase, I admit).

Myself, not being an active Smalltalker (although I have a Smalltalker heart) will try to borrow some ideas and advice about how to go about performing an application redesign such as the one they did at InfOil.

Mercap’s section was also very interesting, above all the material about tests. Keeping the size of their application in mind, it was really useful to knonw how they addressed several different problems that they faced. I already knew about the usefulness and use of unit tests, but what really interested me was the company wide approach they took… surely it would be very nice to me if people that make decisions where I work could see a bit more than just the short term.

Then I had to leave due to work… but well, my congratulations to everybody…

Last, I cannot help expressing my disappointment (I do not know if I should call it that… it’s as if something was missing…) and although I knew it before hand when I was there I really felt it… and that was not to see the presence of Smalltalking in a conference like Smalltalks! Besides the differences that may exist between people, in my VERY humble opinion, I cannot (yet) understand how these things happen. Maybe I will understand them when I am older, and if that is so, please excuse this email (or this part of this email).

Leo [Leonardo di Marco]”

Felicitaciones por el Congreso. Tanto por su impecable organización
(no dudo que haya tenido que correr bastante para que los asistentes
tuvieramos tantas comodidades e información) como por el nivel de las
En lo personal me sirvió para conocer mucha gente y encontrar que
la comunidad Smalltalk es más grande y está más activa de lo que pensaba.
Espero que el año próximo volver a participar en el II Congreso
Argentino de Smalltalk ya no como un simple espectador sino como un miembro
activo de la comunidad.

Nuevamente les hago llegar mis felicitaciones

Carlos Enrique Rodriguez ”


Congratulations for the Conference, both because of your impeccable organization (I am sure you will have had to run quite a bit for attendees to have so much comfort and information) and because of the level of the presentations.

Personally, this was useful for me to know a lot of people and to find that the Smalltalk community is larger and more active than what I thought.

I hope that next year I will again participate in the Second Smalltalk Conference of Argentina not just as a simple spectator, but also as an active member of the community.

Again, my congratulations.

Carlos Enrique Rodriguez”

“Queria agraderles por todo el trabajo que hicieron, y por lo bien que salió
todo durante la conferencia.
Al mismo tiempo quisiera disculparme por no haber asistido hoy al workshop
de GLASS ya que no me sentía bien. Ojala algun despistado que fue sin
anotarse haya podido aprovechar mi lugar.
Muchas gracias por todo, y espero que el anio que viene pueda hacerse
nuevamente. Les ofrezco mi colaboración para el proximo evento, en todo lo
que los pueda ayudar.

Diego. ”

“I wanted to thank you for all the work you did, and for how well everything went during the conference.

At the same time I would like to apologize for not attending the GLASS workshop today as I was not feeling well. I hope someone without a reservation trying to attend anyway could use my place.

Thank you so much for everything, and I hope that it will be done again next year. I offer to collaborate with the next event with anything I may help with.

Diego [Roig, from JP Morgan]”

Also, from Edgar J de Cleene, and in his own English…

To my old and new friends.
To all community.
I don’t have the John M McIntosh long history of goring to congress and no
his gift for doing terrific trial reports.
But unlucky us, he sure is to busy for visit Argentina.
We have special video from Dan.
Tons or old kind of works.
A “bonus track” in form of a Gem Stone workshop.
I’m not who is qualified to tell.

All my gratitude to UBA gang !!!

I’m on OVERLOAD state now, I unplug computers until Monday.

Stary tuned.


3 Responses to “The First Smalltalk Conference In Argentina”

  1. Felipe Padilla Says:

    Felicidades por tan inmenso trabajo y quiero decirles que gracias a este tipo de organizaciones es como la comunidad internacional puede acelerar sus avances en dichos topicos tan interesantes y solo me gustaria que no se quede en esto y que para el 2008 se tengan por lo menos la misma propuesta como la de Argentina.

    Me pongo a su disposicion para organizar la version 2008.

  2. […] the success of last year’s Smalltalks 2007, the organisers are now planning to hold the Smalltalks 2008 conference on 13-15 November at […]

  3. […] 2007 gibt es die Konferenz “Smalltalks”. Letztes Jahr war dieses Event offenbar ein riesiger Erfolg, sodass es dieses Jahr die Smalltalks 2008 geben wird, zu der man sich ab sofort registrieren […]

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