Squeak TiledMaps

18 February, 2018

Tony Garnock-Jones:

It’s a package for Squeak Smalltalk. It can load and cache static, prerendered map tiles from a variety of sources including OpenStreetMaps, Bing Maps, and so on.

It includes a geocoder query service which maps free-text queries to regions of the planet’s surface. The service can be backed by the Nominatim service (associated with OpenStreetMaps), the Bing geocoder, the Google geocoder, and so on.

Selection of tilesets is independent of selection of geocoder, so you can mix and match.

The package includes a “slippy map” morph called TiledMapMorph, that allows interaction with a map using the mouse. It includes a few hooks for EToys, too, so EToys scripting of the map is possible.

See: http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/2800 for more info.

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