Satellogic hyperspectral cameras geometric and spectral processing software written in Cuis Smalltalk

24 May, 2017


Hi Folks,

Satellogic was featured today at Nature News!

I helped design and build the hyperspectral cameras in our satellites
Fresco and Batata. And I wrote the geometric and spectral processing
software for that image. This is not completely off topic, though: The
geometric software (image rectification and correction), the most
complex part of the processing, was written by me in Cuis Smalltalk, and
runs in a Cuis Smalltalk + OpenCL application.

Please share my joy today!

Juan Vuletich

“Some firms are beginning to explore hyperspectral imaging, which spans a wide range of wavelengths, allowing the detection of specific chemicals. In 2016, Satellogic of Buenos Aires launched two 35-kilogram satellites equipped with custom-designed cameras and light filters. Last month, the company became the first commercial supplier of hyperspectral data. Satellogic’s goal is to fly about 300 satellites, together capable of imaging any location on Earth.

And it has already begun to appeal to scientists. The company announced in January that it would give researchers free access to its 30-metre-resolution hyperspectral data. These span optical and near-infrared wavelengths and can help track water pollution and oil spills, and monitor the health of forests and crops. “We are receiving contacts from scientists all over the world,” says Satellogic chief executive Emiliano Kargieman.”

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