Squeak’s Google Summer of Code projects

10 July, 2008

As we mentioned in March, the Squeak Project was accepted as a mentoring organisation for the 2008 Google Summer of Code. Five students stepped up to the challenge, choosing to work on the following projects:

The students have already been working on their projects with great enthusiasm, as you can see by checking their posts on the Summer of Squeak blog, and now that the summer holidays are upon us, it looks like the rate of progress is really shooting up! The projects are all going to be valuable additions to Squeak, and I’m sure we’re all looking forward to seeing the final outputs.

One Response to “Squeak’s Google Summer of Code projects”

  1. Luca Bruno Says:

    Nice projects. Of course SqueakGtk is the best one 😉
    I’d suggest to the student to update the wiki sometimes to know about improvements.

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